Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wedding Favorites of 2010

Its hard to believe its time for another installments of “last” years favorites but here we are!! And here I am, spending hours trying to decide…so this year, I’m breaking it down. These are just plain favorites…but coming up, there will be bridal and engagement favorites, and the best of all….”wedding moment” favorites. You know, those super amazing captured moments at every wedding that somehow convey just how special that day was to everyone attending, to the couple, the parents….honestly, I love to “set up” shots…but nothing beats the genuine real captured shots. So many venues that we have been to and had the honor of shooting at this year in the Dallas area, and abroad. We have had a blast in 2010, and are even more excited about where 2011 will take us…believe me, there are some exciting images coming your way this year!


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