Monday, October 17, 2011

Color of Your Wedding Dress

  Although white wedding dress has always been very popular, colored wedding dresses are making a comeback in the fashion world with designers embracing bright hues of shimmering pinks, metallics, and bold primary colors in their bridal gown collections. Do you know how to choose the color of your wedding dress? Here are some tips:

* Choose a color that is flattering to your skin tone. For fair skin tones choose couture gowns in ivory, latte or pale pink. For darker skin tones choose silver, bronze or green.
* Choose a color that has cultural significance. For example, in Chinese and Indian cultures red is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
* If you don’t want a colored wedding gown, but want your dress to reflect your wedding theme, add a hint of colour to your bridal wear with a sash, waistband or pattern.
* If you’re stuck for wedding color ideas, consider the colour themes from other elements of the day–such as your flowers, cake or stationery and match your dress to them.

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