Friday, December 11, 2015

What to Look For When Hiring a Wedding Car?

Your wedding day is certainly the most important day in your life, and you want it to pass flawlessly, without any blunders. Hiring the finest wedding car for this day is as critical as selecting the perfect dress. Here are some tips to help you find the ideal wedding car hire in Manchester.

Consider the Overall Journey

It is imperative to first think of the pick-up points as well as the people who will be in the vehicles. How many flower girls, pageboys, and bridesmaids will you have? This is to determine the exact number of vehicles you will need.

If you are considering hiring a traditional car, you can pick a classic seven seat Daimler Limousine, for example. You can also ask a relative or friend to help you with any bulk luggage as not all vehicles have adequate storage space.

Think of the Car Colour and Model

Nowadays, wedding car hire firms ensure that they list all cars they have in their list of rentals. If you want to hire a wedding car for the bride-to-be, you should keep in mind her favourite car model and colour. You can also consider hiring a car that compliments your wedding venue's theme. If the theme colour of the wedding is blue, for instance, then you should book a car in the colour that compliments that theme.

Consider Being Classic

Luxury radiates from quite a few models that include the classic limousine. Most people prefer these models over any other car as wedding transportation. Other than the classic limousine, you can also shop around for cars that are regarded as ‘sophisticated' or ‘elegant'.

Examine the Vehicle

Some vehicle models are used regularly with minimal maintenance. Hence, they are fragile and unworthy of hire. It is advisable to always examine the car before making any payments. A wedding car is a reflection of affluence and class; you cannot afford to choose the wrong vehicle.

Compare the Options

There are many wedding car hire companies out there. Thus, you need to compare their charges and offerings. With the stiff competition, you will have a wide range of options with regard to the major models in wedding cars, from which you can make your choice. You can shop around for different companies, noting down their offers. Afterwards, you will compare the mdels and select the ideal model that fits your needs and budget.

Check for Insurance and Security

You need to look for a well-established wedding car hire company with fully licensed chauffeurs. Also, ensure that the firm has public liability insurance. Be careful not to select one of those hobbyist wedding operators out there, who don't operate as proper businesses.

Survey the Vehicle Interior

Wedding cars ought to have a sparkling, comfortable and magnificent interior for your relaxation while enjoying the ride. There are wedding hire companies that provide extra services and accompaniments like customised ribbons with the wedding couple's names, soft drinks, water, as well as free champagne. Take this into consideration when looking for a wedding car hire.


The wedding day is naturally the most cherished day in a person's life. This is why everyone would go to great lengths to make the day as great as they can possibly imagine, including hiring the finest wedding transport. To those looking for wedding car hire in Manchester, you have no cause to worry. Opulence Executive Travels, a Truly Great Luxury Car Company, offers a wide range of prestigious vehicles from which you can choose the one that perfectly fits your taste and budget.

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