Antique wedding ring patterns
Most of the documented and visual representations of antique wedding rings or bands showcase plain gold bands, narrow bands flaunted by women and the broader varieties by men. The authentic intricate patterns also consist of interwoven rings that are supposed to represent love, faith and hope. Love for one another, faith in one another and hope for a bright future together. The interwoven patterns slide off quickly because the rings slide over each other. Women in many Anatolian cultures also wore 'puzzle' rings! Yes, the rings comprised sets of interlocking metal bands and the woman's endeavor was to arrange them such that they form a single ring, to stand the test of monogamy. However, in the case of the 'puzzle' ring, when the woman mastered or solved the puzzle, she was not able to remove the ring with ease.
The replicates of the antique wedding rings or bands down the ages
In certain European and American cultures, married women wear two wedding rings on the same finger. One is the engagement ring, while the other is a plain, wedding band. In fact, couples in many countries, now purchase rings as pairs. The ring patterns are designed to fit together, on top of or woven into one another. In quite a few existent cultures, women who have been married for a long time wear more than two rings on their finger; most commonly the wedding band, engagement ring and eternity ring.
Engraving wedding bands is also becoming very popular in the United States.
The Celtic antique wedding rings or bands
The authentic antique wedding rings or bands of original Celtic style have become very popular in the U.S. and other English-speaking countries. The patterns are widely adopted within cultures that share an Irish or Scottish connection. The Celtic wedding rings or bands are either engraved or embossed with a Celtic knot that symbolizes union and eternity. The knots are unique in the oneness and continuity of the strands and thus are considered designs that symbolize fidelity.
The interwoven antique wedding rings or bands:
Authentic Russian wedding rings comprise three interlocking bands. The bands are not simple 'gold', like in the case of the popular gold wedding bands, but actually pink, white and yellow. The base metal remains gold and the ring is worn on the right hand. The traditional puzzle rings too can be made up of four, six, eight and even twelve interconnected bands! Many are replicas from the Renaissance and are becoming very common across the world. The gimmal rings or 'twins' were developed as wedding rings to symbolize the socially accepted union and the wearer was bound not to cheat on his or her spouse, with the ring on! Wow, some tradition!
Antique wedding rings or bands have been around since the institution itself. The symbolic exchange still ushers in a new life and beginning, together. Beyond the traditional wedding cake and floral arrangements, the wedding ring or band is an indispensable part of the celebration. The style statement possible with the antique wedding ring varieties is incomparable. There are a variety of stylized representations of rings and bands adopted and the jewelry can be accessed online and offline.
The intricately interwoven and plain rings are the earliest examples of true human craftsmanship and the importance attached to the institution of marriage.
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